Length: 3 or more days
This is by far Mary Lou’s best and most popular workshop. Mary Lou is a process teacher and with this workshop we work with process, stretching, thought growth, design, colors and how they work with other colors around them, composition and imagination. This class is for the quilter who wants to do something a little more involved (not hard), to develop and stretch and go on the road “less traveled.”
These quilts tell about you, what and who you love and with sentiments and smiles make the viewer know something special about the artist that they didn’t know before. These quilts are crow pleasers and often are winners in quilting venues and shows. This class helps you ”think” of events in your past with a positive, happy outlook and offers up many ideas that tell of you and events you remember. This surprises the artist often and lets process take flight as you stretch and learn as you sew. It is both fun and satisfying too.